Monday, September 24, 2007
Name that Wheel!
As I was cleaning and oiling my wheel I got to thinking that I should name it. I have a friend who has named his huge BBQ grill Beverly, I have another friend who named her wheel Rosaline. So I'm thinking its time I name my wheel. But I'm not the best at coming up with names so I come to you to get your ideas. So now you are asking yourself well what in it for me? How about a skein of handspun yarn on the newly named wheel? I will be running this contest for the next two weeks. So starting today Sept 24th through October 8 I will except names for my single treadle matchless wheel. On the 9th I will announce the new name and also the winner of the handspun skein of yarn. So please leave your ideas in the comment area of this blog. Good luck and I can't wait to see what you all come up with.

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Hi Melanie,
If your wheel is an Ashford you should name her Ashley : )
She just looks like a Sally to me. But it would help to know what brand she is.
I think you should name her Ginny!
hello, melanie ...
perhaps you adore paul mc cartney as much as i do. he has a song, "helen wheel." i can imagine calling your instrument, HELEN .. as it's not particularly common these days but is historic, bold and makes me smile! mmm
Since your wheel is a Matchless wheel, how about Mattie? That has a nice old fashioned sound to it!
Hmmmmmmm.......for some reason I see her as a Mildred.
I immediately thought of Rapunzel, weaving her hair into a ladder...
Hi -
Your wheel looks just like Horatio - I couldn't see you calling him anything but Horatio!
Nancy in N MN
I think it should be named Honey due to the beautiful color of the wood. Also, just think how much fun it would be to say "My Honey spun this for me."
What about Betsy! Nice simple!
Hi Melanie
What a great idea, makes me wonder if I should name my favorite needles.
I think you should name her
Miss Lan O'lynn
Cheryl C.
Hi Melanie,
I name my stuff too! My wheel was called Kiwi & now my Angel-baby, Keeshond is KiwiHope...8~) Your wheel looks like a Babette, "Babs" for short, to me.
Good luck in naming it!
I said "weave", but I think Rapunzel "spun" strands of her hair...
I normally just refer to my wheels by their maker or the model like "the Lendrum" or the S-10, but my granddaughter thought my Majacraft Little Gem was named "Handsome" - Cause when I want to use it I always say "Come here, handsome".
I also call my S-10 - "Fred" I don't know why - it just looks like a dependable "Fred" kind of wheel.
It's very hard to suggest a name without knowing your attachment to this wheel - so I suggest you call it "Fred" "Handsome" is already taken....
Hi Melanie - How about Topaz? You mentioned you were drawn more to jewel tones now and the wheel is such a gorgeous colour ...
A second choice could be "Buttercup" aka The Princess Bride
And for a third choice, there's Amber - used in and for jewelry
Hope you find the name you love and that your wheel loves too - Joan
Your wheel looks like a Beaumadine to me. That is pronounced Boo-ma-deen...grin.
Nancy in Tucson
I think she has "Clementine" written all over her. She is just lovely!!
I think she looks like a Ruby...after Proverbs 31...your worth is more than a ruby (as a godly woman) and the Godly woman was a spinner!
She looks like an Ingrid or a Sigrid to me. (That goes along with Mildred, but with a northern flair)
I think you should name your wheel Cyber since the name will be coming from one of us out in Cyberspace.
I think you should call her Threads of Joy! or Joyful!
How about "wheel"amina? Like Wilamina?
Emily or Amelia both mean "industrious" which seems like a good name for a wheel. That said, I've had my wheel for a year and she still isn't named. She just doesn't seem like an Emily or Amelia to me. ;)
This was hard lol... I like DELILAH the meaning "delicate".... BUT I also like PEARL( i love pearls lol) or EDEN meaniing "place of pleasure" and .... If i had a wheel i would choose EDEN lol... thats just me... Good luck picking a name :O)
The act of spinning and spinning wheels remind me of the whirling dervishes (here is a link if you have not seen them:
They whirl to bring them closer to God, sort of a meditative act. Like spinning, no? They originated from the Ottoman empire, and they are Sufi. Therefore I suggest, if your wheel is a boy, that it be named Otto, and if it is a girl, Sufi (or Sophie if you would like to Americanize it).
Wow, this is a challenge. I name my inanimate objects according to their voices. Our portable GPS has a British accent so it is named Letitia.
Would a spinning wheel have an accent from the original 13 colonies?
How about Abigail, after Abigail Adams, John Adam's wife? I recently ran across a collection of muisc from the musical "1776", and John and Abigail sing to each other - that is probaby what made me think of it.
Hope you have fun with it, what ever it should be named!
I'm not sure if she looks like a Pauline or a Dagmar. Dagmar from 'I Remember Mama". Oh, boy. I really dated myself now. Anyway, both good solid names for a good solid wheel.
She looks like "Spinny" to me, Vigdis from Norway :-)
I think you should name her Brigid. She was the spinner for the Celts.
Spinning jenny:)
Darcy Watts
Melanie, how about:
Princess Aurora from the Sleeping Beauty, or as we call here in Sweden: Törnrosa. :0)
Hi! I have three names that I thought you would like to choose from--
Mrs. Treadle
Rockin' Bobbin
Woolie Bullie
I immediately thought of Eileen because of this song: audio clip here:
How about Felicity?
OK, I'm forever naming inanimate objects, my car is a Picanto, known as Polly (or pollpot when she decides not to work) My previous car was Vespa the fiesta (vespa is an old word for matches, luckily she never caught fire), and my wheel is Maisy the Mazurka (Kromski)- Although Hubby affectionalty refers to her as Bazurka the Mazurka
As your wheel is a Schacht, I think you should call her Sugar (get it sachet of sugar)
The first name to pop into my head when I saw her was Berniece.
Kind of odd, I know........
How about......."Makes Me Happy".......after all that is what she does!
always alice
Well, just look at your wheel...her name is Jo. She looks like - Jo. When she's naughty, she can be Josephine, or Phine, but Jo...yes.
Worse than naming a baby, isn't it?
Wheel of fortune popped into my mind as first choice,
Fortuna for short.
Then I had the idea of merry go round, Mary.
Last was spinoza from the philosofer, spinniing is a means of philos to me, it makes me contemplative, maybe it does you, too?
Matchless is defined as incomparable, or eminent beyond comparison.
How about Em (or Emma)?
how about DORCAS (Acts 9:36-39)
she was always helpful and mande many warm and usable things for many people.
I like the name Beatrice for your wheel.
How about Vanna for Vanna White of "Wheel of Fortune" fame? She crochets too!
I thought Louisa as I looked at her.
I think her name is Isadora. She is very beautiful.
Matchless Millie
or George - after all, "I want to love him, and squeeze him and pet him, and (treadle him) and call him George!"
I'd name it George. Just seems like a good name.
Esmeralda -- because when I think of spinning I think of magic which makes me think of the character in "Bewitched." There is also Esmeralda in the Disney "Hunchback of Notre Dmae" who dances and is rarely seen without her clever goat. Spinning is like a dance, and spinning goat hair would just be a plus. It can also be spelled Esmerelda.
Margaret in Colorado
How about Luswheel,(as in Loose wheel/ Lucille)? First thing that popped inot my You are so lucky to have such a beautiful wheel.
I think Spinarella would be a good name. Pronounced Spin a rella. Good luck in picking a name :)
How about candy?
She sure looks like candy, sweet and yummy. This just came to me looking at the picture again.
How about bigfoot? After all, it only has one big foot.....
i deleted my previous comment so need to do it again....
she looks like a "mabel". someone who is reliable and will be there through "thick and thin" nyuk-nyuk!
I have not read through all your comments/names but she looks like a Bessie Mae.
How about Splenderella because she is splendid to spin on.
Initially, I thought "bob"
I didn't name any of my wheels, and I have 3 of them.
But if I named my favorite one, a Kromski Minstrel, I would call it Gwenivere--because it's a castle wheel.
My Saxony style Kromski would be named Helena.
My Roberta (electric) is a definite Bob...which is nice, short, and easy to remember.
Since I'm so slow with the emails...who won the contest, and what did you finally name you wheel?
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