Well with Christmas on its way the needles are busy around here . Now don't feel to bad for me as the larger dark purple project is a Hoodie for me. I have been wanting to make myself a sweater that I can shlep around the house with and the Wonderful Wallaby is just perfect for that. A few years back I made one for each of my daughters and they whore then out. I have a student in one of my knitting classes that is working on this so I thought I would make one along with her. If you have not tried this pattern , think about it. You can make one for every size in your family. From babies to XXL adults. The pink and purple blob is a top down sweater coat for my youngest daughter who just loves pink. She at the young age of 8 is a fashion diva and loves sweater coats. I don't really have a pattern for this but I am adapting a top down sweater pattern that I have to make a coat. I plan to add black eyelash to the collar and cuffs. The perfect touch for a diva.
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