Monday, February 16, 2009

Its a regular Zoo around here

Its been a real zoo around here this past week. We adopted two pets. First Mazy a 5 month old Cocker Spaniel and Hoss the rabbit. Now we did have plans to adopt a dog but the rabbit was an add on. Our much loved dog Tiny died last spring and over the holidays it really came apparent that we needed a new dog. So for the past few weeks I have been visiting the local humane society looking for a new dog. We wanted a smaller sized one that was about a year old. When we saw Mazy we just fell in love.

While we were looking at her an older woman took her info card and was really looking over the information. My husband and I just stood there waiting for her to hang up the card so we could have her. The lady asked me were the age was listed. I showed her and she said she was looking for a dog closer to her age. Well the second she hung up the card we snatched it. By the time we were all done filling out the paper work there were a couple of other families looking at her too. We were told she was crate trained but they weren't sure about house broke. Well she isn't crate trained and she is getting the idea about going potty outside pretty well.

Now for Hoss. Over the Christmas break we baby sat a angora rabbit for a friend of mine. We had so much fun that we thought it might be something to think about for the near future. Well about a week ago a girl friend of mine herd about a breeder that was interested in selling one of her bunnies to a 4H family for a discount. We she called me and then I made the needed calls and we picked up Hoss on Friday.
His original name was Peter as in Peter cotton tale but I have to say he is one big bunny. So much so we are now calling him Hoss. He is 50% German and 50% Satin angora. He is not at full coat yet but I would bet I could get a pound of wool from him right now. Yes he is bigger then Mazy.
So as you can tell we are getting used to our new zoo. The great thing is both have great personalities and have so far fit nicely into our family


knitalot3 said...

Congratulations on the new additions to your family!


My Little Room In The Corner said...

Cockers are wonderful once they get the hang of the housebreaking thing. Just remeber, you cannot, I stress CANNOT punish them for misbehaviour in that department without setting them back by weeks. Just have patience, she will catch on. If she is particularly playful, you may want to hang a bell on the door that she can tap. When she realizes that the bell makes someone open the door for her, you won't get any rest. My Jezzie does that and it was the key to her housetraining. Can't wait to hear how Mazie is doing. Cockers are great!