I love to read the magazine Spin Off. When it comes in mail the first thing I do it look through it then usually at bed time I start to read each article. Well I came across an ad that just caught my eye and have been thinking about it for a day or so. The ad is from
www.stick-and-stone.com( a great site to get some great spindles and other goodies). I went to the site and didn't find the roving that is in the ad,(by the way its on page 102 in the Winter 06 issue). So again I got to thinking. I just really like how that yarn looks. So this afternoon I got my dye stuff out and made my attempt to copy the picture. I had about 6 or 7 ounces of corridale that was purchased at my last visit to Fuzz a new fiber store here in Boise. I was given some Dylon dyes a few years ago and I have used them in the past and really like the way wool takes the dye. So I picked out Olive green, mandarin orange, and Tahiti pink. I then soaked the fiber in warm water and about 1/2 white vinegar, for about 30 minutes or so. Then I layed out plastic wrap on my counter. Lightly squeezed out the extra water, then lay out the roving in an according fashion on top of the plastic wrap. Then I mixed up my dyes in paper cups. Using foam brushes I patted in the pink on the right end of the roving, the orange in the middle and the green on the left end. I then carefully covered the roving with more plastic wrap making sure that the colors would not be able to run onto each other. Then I placed the packet into the microwave and cooked it for 10 minutes then I place the packet on my dryer and opened it up to cool. That so far is what I have. The picture show it cooling. Later, once its cool I will then rinse it out and hang to dry. I think I will be able to get the result I want although the picture doesn't really show there is a difference in colors between the pink and orange. I will update you on the progress of this project. So keep coming back to see what happens