This Afternoon I finished my saddles for the FLAK project. I'm quite please with the result. I was a bit worried that the cables wouldn't show as well on the DK weight yarn. But I think they will be just fine. For my sweater I'm planning on making mine a bit big. I really didn't want a fitted sweater. Plus I plan on loosing another 30 pounds so by the time this sweater is finished It should be a very loose fitting one.
I have also planned to join the Knitting Olympics. This has been the buzz on several email list. The whole idea is a very simple one. I am to pick a project that has some challenge to it. I will then cast on during the opening ceremonies of the 2006 Olympics in Torino Italy.

Your saddles look great! Good luck with both the FLAK and the diet. --Sylvia
Your saddles look wonderful! The color is very nice. Take Care, Tori - oohing and aahing at your work from CA
I agree, your saddles look awesome!
Good job on the saddles! I enjoyed looking at all your knitting! :~)
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